Saturday, September 25, 2010

More Tales of Magic

Nakamal Visited
White Gate in Freshwater Park.  They've removed some of the trees in the yard which I found disturbing (their removal, not the trees), and someone nearby was burning dirty which is supposedly illegal to do at night but who is around to enforce that one.  Hate that smell when drinking kava.  Awful washem-maot, as is the usual at that place--slices of tin pork for 50 vatu, boiled maniok for 20, and papaya for 20.  New light out the gate that says Open in neon red and these moving flashing blue lights encircling it.  Maybe a little over the top.

Kava Kwaliti
I enjoy the kava here, except sometimes the taste is a little too much (like last night).  It's usually pretty strong, and they stick with the same supplier so it's consistent quality, Pentecost kava.

I had met up with Brian for lunch, he was building a house in Namba 3.  He told me to come up to Freshwater in the afternoon to storian.  I got there before he did, and heard some good stories from a nephew of his.

Amusing Observations
When walking home to drop off my bag before heading to Freshwater, I met up with a friend from Liro Nessa.  He told me, in the 4-minute window of time we had, that some crazy asshole in Freshwater Futuna dug up a dead baby and slept with the corpse.  The police were in the neighborhood the next day to retrieve the body.  He said the baby was already rotten and stunk.  And it was his brother's baby.  I doubt charges will be pressed...people are afraid of folks that do stuff like that.

At Freshwater, I was told the story of this legend Morris Bill (I think) from narasaed who was given the power to steal by an old dude from Ambrym.  He was instructed to go and dig up the body of a dead baby on Nguna, cut off the arm, bring it back to Vila, and then eat it.  Ever since, he's had the power to unlock doors that are locked.  Interesting part of this story: he keeps getting caught by the police stealing.  That's some bunk magic if you ask me.  Go through all that cannibalistic grave-robbing and you still end up in prison.  Go figure.  I guess this guy is still around and drives a taxi.

And an amendment to the cat-bone story from last month or so, you can kill the live black cat in boiling water, it doesn't have to be roasted alive as I previously reported, and there is a particular bone that can give you the power of invisibility commonly used to steal and rape with, it's not just any old bone as I had thought but still not sure if it's in the two legs in front or the two in back...but it's a leg bone none the less.

My brother has caused a problem, in his own words, which means he knocked a girl up and now has to deal with the fact that he might be forced to take her as his woman.  The good news is, he doesn't have to work this 'problem' out, his parents do.  I guess the girl is a student at USP and her parents are pissed off she didn't wait.  Hell, I'm just surprised she made it to USP without getting pregnant.  I honestly don't think any young people here (or older people) use condoms.  They might try them, but it's a novelty thing, no staying power.

Random Photo
A meeting of the tamtam society of Port Vila...very reclusive group, rare photo

1 comment:

  1. This has got to be one of the crazier stories you've written about!
