Thursday, September 16, 2010


Nakamals Visited
Just the small VKS side nakamal, kava following an incredible day of story, kakae, and relaxing.  Ended up at 24 Haoa with Donnie.

Kava Kwaliti
2 2-liter bottles of Chiefs nakamal were brought over, kicked everyone's ass.  First bucket always a blue ribbon at that place.  The kava at 24 Haoa was...ehh...

The entire staff of VKS and all project staff and YPP staff, that did NOT go to Noumea for the 4th Melanesian Arts Festival.  A little reward.  It was pre-planned, but in the morning we found out the Director's father passed away on Malekula, so we closed the office and dedicated the day to his family.  Everyone brought stuff to grill and eat, and we all just had fun, listened to music, told some stories, and then polished it all off with a few shells of delightful Pentecost kava.  Some photos of our day, captions at bottom:
George and Apu Vauleli roasting chicken and breadfruit

Stoning breadfruit...spoelem tri nomo be hemi fun

Big Boss of the story, Aminio, cooking up some chicken stew

Kumala is done

The ladies of VKS

Amusing Observations
Aminio is a funny bastard, I must say.  He lights a story up and everyone just inhales the second hand like it's crack.  It would be a disservice to try and translate one of his stories, since they come alive with innuendos and facial expressions that just don't write well.   If you see him, ask for his impersonation of the French dude that follows the Director around with the hair olsem faol...priceless.

Eddie from the Museum showed me this style of roasting papaya that has taken over my tingting for like the last 6 days and I finally got to try it.  It's amazing, you roast a half-ripe papaya on the fire until it's completely black, then you let it cool, then peel away the charred skin, cut open, clean out the seeds, and then fill with freshly grated coconut.  Just fold and eat!  A signature culinary masterpiece from Pentecost island, but I'm stealing it and bringing the wisdom to Paama in December.  The juice from it is supposed to be good for knee problems, and good for babies.  Side note, if you stone a man with a hot roasted papaya at night he/she will die.  But, I ask, who the hell is running around stoning people at night with hot popo?!!!  Another side note, I remember that hot roasted papaya is good for taking poison out of wounds from stone fish.  Here's a photo of the finished product:

1 comment:

  1. That popo looks sort of awesome. Think I could rusem somehow over here?
