Thursday, December 1, 2011

Felix/Huntington with "LOSER"

Met James at Huntington Nakamal tonight to pass him his gift from Hawaii (flippers and snorkel kit).  I also made him a laminated collage of photos from when he got tanked at my place on Saturday, which he had no idea how drunk he was.  He ended up leaving the house without glancing in the mirror, so took a bus to Manples with "LOSER" written on his forehead...priceless.  A photo of him trashed:

The kava was good tonight, and the rain let up a bit so that always helps.  James gave me a huge plastic full of leche (sp?) fruit so that will be carried to the office for sharing tomorrow.  

We have put in place a 500 VT challenge, must eat healthy all day for under that amount.  We'll see who can do this the best, though he has way more practice than I do at eating on a tight budget.  

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