Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mi mo Amima

Nakamals Visited
A bunch of places I've never been to before in Nambru, close to the shopping centre.   One was called Lakeleo.  Shitty seating.  And I hit my head on a beam.  The Vaoleli one was decent, but toward the end this one mama told my brother in language, thinking I wouldn't understand, to make sure he brought the white man the next day to their fundraising.  I don't think I'll be going back there for a while.

Kava Kwaliti
All good stuff, no complaints, nothing off.

Tawi Amima (Amy Chan) wanted to meet up with Kelep and meet his new baby girl before heading back to Paama.  She and her friends picked me up and we took a shell first at this one place while waiting for Kelep to swim after work.  Amima and I walked over, hung out with Kelep for a couple shells, then down to Kelep's house to visit with mama Pani and his woman Lolita.  We put Amima on a bus, she went to visit some other friends in Seaside, and Kelep and I went to this other nameless nakamal run by man Vaoleli village.

Amusing Observations
Amy is a great volunteer, it has been good getting to know her since coming back to Vanuatu.  Her update from the island: a young girl ashamed of being pregnant gave birth in the bush and killed and buried the baby, ran away and hid.  The community searched for her, found her and the baby, and buried the baby.  Oh wait, that's not amusing.  That's horrible.  Mama Pani unloaded a crap-ton of stuff for Amy to carry back to Paama with her.  She is really good about that stuff, it was very rare for me to be asked to bring stuff back and forth and I think it's incredibly generous of her to do that.

Kelep told me that while training for VMF in New Zealand last year, his supervisor (the daughter of the Prime Minister of Fiji) tried to seduce him, but he resisted because he already had a bun in the oven back home.  You don't hear that often.  I believe him, though.  I feel like none of my other brothers would have done the same.  They don't brag about NOT sleeping with a girl.  He told me she was crazy, so that probably factored into his decision to abstain.  Kelep is one of the funniest brothers I have here.

We talked about all the crazies around Port Vila--the guy who walks around stealing stuff without trying to be sly about it, this guy in Pango who shouts swears in church, the list goes on.  The great thing about crazies in Vanuatu, in my opinion, is their entertainment value, and the fact that they are cared for within the family unit.  No need for mental asylums.  Even if they walk all over town, they have a place to sleep at night and food to eat.  Nobody is ever hurt by a crazy.  Just last week, a guy stopped by VKS and told me to tell Barack Obama to send the military ships here so he can blow up this one village on his island.  I told him I'd see what I can do.

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